Student Management
Head of Department
Ms Lee Lu Mei Sonia (Student Management)
Student Management
Princess Elizabeth Primary strategic approach towards enhancing discipline and student well-being is encapsulated in our ASPIRE framework.
In Princess Elizabeth Primary School, we believe in nurturing every child by guiding and helping him to develop his moral, aesthetic, physical, intellectual, emotional and social domains to the fullest so that he would become an Engaged Learner, a Caring Citizen and a Steadfast Leader.
The Student Management Department collaborates with other departments in the school to ensure a whole-school approach by enhancing the well-being of students and providing them a holistic experience in their character development.
The school A.S.P.I.R.E. (Ambition, Self-Discipline, Perseverance, Integrity, Respect and Empathy) values act as an internal compass for everyone to work and interact with one another.
Our Curriculum Goal
Every Child an Engaged Learner, a Caring Citizen and a Steadfast Leader
Key Programmes
Positive Discipline:
Positive Behaviour Intervention Support (PBIS) is a whole school value-based approach used to help our students understand the rationale behind the school rules. The students are constantly reminded that they should live out the A.S.P.I.R.E. values, build quality relationships with their peers, and look after their own well-being. The school rules serve as guidelines for character development.
In Princess Elizabeth Primary School, if students have erred, the teachers would bring them through a process where parties involved are encouraged to discuss about problems and resolutions. This process of getting them to work with others help students understand that it is important to see from others’ perspectives when it comes to problem-solving. Students are also guided through the responsible thinking process where they learn how to weigh their options before coming to a decision. After which, the student(s) will be involved in a self-reflection process. Teachers and parents/guardians work collaboratively to support the child.

Teacher-Student Relationship (TSR)
Form Teachers have face-to-face interactions with students on a one-to-one basis before or after lessons and during Form Teacher Guidance Periods (FTGP) to promote Teacher Student Relationship (TSR). Form Teachers have one-to-one interactions to build quality teacher-student relationships by getting to know every student better. Teachers are also able to identify students’ needs and nurture their character traits, dispositions, and attitudes.
Student Recognition
PEPS, being the Centre of Excellence (COE) for Character Development, works towards developing character excellence in our students. Good character is built little by little, day by day, through everyday lived experiences and it requires every child to put in effort to be mindful of their words and deeds consistently in different situations. Aligned to our Student Well-being Framework, Student Recognition serves to affirm our students’ efforts in living out the school’s A.S.P.I.R.E values and using them to guide them in making right decisions and exhibiting positive behaviours daily. Students’ positive behaviours are regularly observed, intentionally reinforced and celebrated by their teachers through many ways such as verbal and written specific praises. On a termly basis, students are also identified as Core Value Champions. They take home proudly the Core Value Champion Badges and Cards which contain words of affirmations written by their teachers, to share them with their family and friends. At the class level, a ‘STAR’ pupil of the term will be identified as well.
There will also be other class-based awards given to recognise students who have improved in their learning attitude.
Core Value Champion Cards |
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Apart from the aforementioned, the school’s annual Award Presentation Ceremony (APC) is another platform to recognise students for their hard work, effort, grit and success in all that they undertake.
Peer Support and Relationships
Positive peer relationships facilitate the provision of care, a sense of belonging amongst students, as well as the building of resilience. Aligned to our school mission, ‘Together, we nurture and inspire an inclusive spirit’, our students develop the values of Empathy and Respect for one another through the active involvement in school initiatives and programmes which promote and drive Peer Support and Relationships (PSR) efforts.
The school puts in place Peer-bonding activities during Form Teacher Guidance Periods (FTGP) and Teacher-Student Relationship (TSR)periods, etc. To allow for greater opportunities for students to bond and know each other better, the Happy Bonding Programme on a termly basis creates opportunities for quality conversations amongst peers.
Curriculum learning and planning are always centered on the need for students to have the opportunities and experiences in collaborating with one another. Through these interactions, students can apply peer-helping skills to support others too. This would also sharpen their ability to be effective communicators, active contributors and inclusive individuals making a positive difference in themselves and others.