English Language
Head of Department
Ms Chin Sau Lai
Lead Teacher
Mdm Sanmuga Malar
A peak of excellence in the mastery and use of the English Language
To hone our pupils’ literacy skills in the English Language
We write as we speak.
We learn a language to speak the language.
Teaching a language is the purposeful transmission of skills and concepts.
Use Standard English, Not Singlish
Every pupil, our focus. Every teacher, a key.
English Language Syllabus 2020
The English Language Syllabus 2020 for the Primary level focuses on the development, reinforcement and extension of language skills in the primary years through an enjoyment of the language and the promotion of extensive reading; and leveraging oracy, reading and writing skills to develop knowledge and independent use of the language.
EL Syllabus 2020 seeks to develop these competencies in our learners through the teaching and learning of EL to enable them to be:

Programme / Event / Skills |
Objective/s |
Writer’s Craft |
To develop interesting plots using literary effects that will hook the readers |
Oral Package |
To promote the use of Standard English, and hone the students’ skills in reading aloud and stimulus-based conversation |
Word/Phrase of the Day |
To broaden the students’ vocabulary base through exposure to theme-related words or phrases daily |
Wordsmith in the Making |
To nurture young writers to appreciate poetry and be reflective thinkers |
Super Readers Programme |
To widen the students’ reading repertoire through extensive reading |
Language Fortnight cum Characters Alive Day |
To develop a love of reading and learning the English Language through engaging activities |
Speech and Drama |
To build confidence in communication, expressive reading aloud and performance before a large group audience through structured activities |
Talk@PEPS |
To expose the students to contemporary issues and current affairs |
Debate |
To develop the students’ critical thinking and reflective skills by providing them with the opportunity to explore real-world topics and issues |
Speech and Drama

Language Fortnight cum Characters Alive Day

Debate Team 2024